Calculates the low-level diversity component necessary for calculating normalised rho diversity.




object of class metacommunity


norm_rho returns an object of class powermean


Values generated from norm_rho() may be input into subdiv() and metadiv() to calculate normalised subcommunity and metacommunity rho diversity.


R. Reeve, T. Leinster, C. Cobbold, J. Thompson, N. Brummitt, S. Mitchell, and L. Matthews. 2016. How to partition diversity. arXiv 1404.6520v3:1–9.


pop <- data.frame(a = c(1,3), b = c(1,1))
row.names(pop) <- paste0("sp", 1:2)
pop <- pop/sum(pop)
meta <- metacommunity(pop)

# Calculate normalised rho component
r <- norm_rho(meta)
subdiv(r, 1)
#>          measure q type_level type_name partition_level partition_name
#> 1 normalised rho 1      types              subcommunity              a
#> 2 normalised rho 1      types              subcommunity              b
#>   diversity dat_id transformation normalised  k max_d
#> 1 0.9837173  naive             NA         NA NA    NA
#> 2 0.9428090  naive             NA         NA NA    NA
metadiv(r, 1)
#>          measure q type_level type_name partition_level partition_name
#> 1 normalised rho 1      types             metacommunity               
#>   diversity dat_id transformation normalised  k max_d
#> 1 0.9698877  naive             NA         NA NA    NA